30 March 2008

Skoll World Forum - see what we saw

To get a feel of the Forum as we experienced it, check out the coverage at www.socialedge.org

The most artistic music video I've seen in years

Frozen Grand Central

My great friend Julie McNamara talked about this recently; then I received an unrelated email with a link. Fantastic!

29 March 2008

The objective light of day

After a good night's sleep I feel more able to reflect less emotively on my experience at the Skoll World Forum! Spending three days in the company of some of the most influential changemakers in the world was truly inspiring. The most impacting element for me was hearing the stories of scale and leveraging resources to make wide-reaching, global impact. This is the area in which I feel I have the most opportunity. Four months ago at a creative entrepreneur workshop I set a goal to have an international business by the end of this year. This week - and this trip - feel like a definite step towards that destination.

One of the most stimulating sessions I attended was on Cultural Branding, run by Douglas Holt from Harvard Business School. He has created a model of branding distinct from conventional branding, designed to market social issues. Where traditionally branding aims for consistency and distinction in the market, cultural branding strives for social and idealogical relevance in order to move society forward. Similar to traditional models, cultural branding relies on the building of trust, symbolism and reputation. Holt shared the notion of providing solutions for shared anxieties where, on the individual level, people's life story leads them to seek an ideal identity, which they achieve through a "life project". He stressed the need for a brand to build an "iconic myth" (myth here meaning a commonly held belief of the time, not an untruth), which will translate into value, cultural leadership, resonance and innovation.

This was heady and inspiring stuff, speaking strongly to the work I've been doing recently on my own, personal brand, but also sparking ideas for me about future projects that could be more purposefully branded in this way. Holt had some interesting things to say about fundraising and dual marketing strategies to wealthy and less wealthy audiences, which has sparked a string of ideas in my head. I'm purposely not divulging more as these ideas are but seeds in my mind needing germination and protection from the scrutiny of outsiders for now!

Another fascinating idea I saw presented was by Dr. Thomas S. Clark, Founder and Executive Director, of Grassroot Soccer, Inc, in a session on the Cultural Arts Industry. Now, you know I'm not one for sport, but Clark's programme to use soccer as the catalyst for education on HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe was true genius. Using children and young people's passion for a national pastime to engage them in preventing a pandemic social issue worked and is, in my estimation, truly entrepreneurial. If anyone reading this is involved in Diversityworks and CCS Disability Action's Diversity Challenge project, I am affirmed that we are on the right track!

Finally, I think the highlight for me has to be the masterclass held with Said Business School students on the first morning of the Forum. This was run like a speed dating session where students circulated between groups of social entrepreneurs. While a little chaotic (it may have worked better one-on-one than in groups), it stands out as the most engaging session of the Forum in some ways and I was buoyed by the calibre of the world's young up-and-coming social innovators.

Thirteen questions

I took time out from my UK tour to answer some probing questions from BBC Ouch...

Changing the past - Part 2

I've been asked for more information about the result of my meeting with Skoll management about wheelchair access: "What action has been taken and is everybody at the conference now educated from that moment of opportunity and enlightenment? Or was it a one to one hushed apology on the sidelines and we’re now all buddy buddy?"

Well no, a public announcement was not made and in the circumstances I personally would not have wanted that to happen. The issue was one of communication more than lack of access. In both venues there was access provision made - the problem was lack of communication among staff that this existed and a lack of "logistics training" should it be needed. Management acknowledged this oversight and have undertaken to create a process to address this next year. I think further public humiliation (over and above ours that evening) would not have been constructive.

The action taken in the short term was a concerted effort to ensure ease of access into and around the offending environments. This was done professionally and courteously. I have trust that I've built a relationship with management that is appropriate to revisit the extreme access issues as well as raise other issues of ease and comfort not yet canvassed.

So there, I'm getting moderate and conciliatory in my old age!

Depressed, hopeless, purposeless...but it's ok, I've been here before.

Having just emerged from the Closing Plenary of the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship, I feel a sense of depression and hopelessness that I've not felt for many years. I'm left questioning my own purpose and motivation, even the value of the work I do. I'm struck with an incredible sense of irony and, despite all this, I have an overwhelming trust that everything will be ok - for me at least; after Al Gore's rousing address at the plenary, I can't vouch for the planet.

Where to start? Purpose is something Gore angled towards in his tale of doom and gloom about global warming and environmental sustainability. He urged all social entrepreneurs not to see the green lobby as competing for airspace. Rather he asked that all efforts to alleviate social injustice - whether poverty, disease or cultural stigma - be reframed as an act of purpose towards saving the planet. Although I can see the merit of his argument, I fear he may be slightly missing the point.

Dr Paul Farmer
, who spoke before Gore, came closer to my own beliefs on the issue. In a warning against becoming too self important, he posed the classic conference challenge to our group of socially moral heroes sitting among the hallowed halls of Oxford: Where are all the poor people? Where are all the people with AIDS? Where are all the people that this stuff is actually about. I and others certainly resonated with this - from my own perspective, the last three days has confirmed my silent doubt that high level social entrepreneurs would be any more comfortable than anyone else with the evidence of disability so obviously within their midsts; it's been a long time since I've elicited so many averted gazes.

So, Farmer said bring it home, make it about you, not them. Begin your quest to change the world's terrain with a damn good look at your own back yard before you start messing with gardens across the street. A claim that, perhaps, he could justify more strongly than Gore as he let it drop that he was heading back to Rwanda in the morning (Gore was swanning off to France).

Despite some witty, self-effacing repartee between the two journeying heroes, I felt uncomfortable and am now searching for answers to questions in which even I am implicated:

- How big is Al Gore's carbon footprint as he flies around the world promoting his agenda of global warming? How much have I added to the demise of the planet with my own self-important journey of social enterprise?

- At a world forum at which environmental issues and poverty are identified as the leading concerns, why was not more effort put in to using technology to bring presenters and delegates together by video/satellite conferencing? Could I have done what I've done via webcam from my desk in NZ? Indeed, what kind of viable conferencing system could I have invested in with the thousands I have poured into travel and currency conversions?

- Why are philanthropists and entrepreneurs more interested in engineering acclaimed systems for fighting social issues than in just sharing wealth with those in need? If enough of the world's wealthiest people (some of whom, perhaps, were involved in putting this Forum together) collectively agreed to pool their resources, how much change could they effect through a simple philanthropic act as opposed to a complex enterprise? But then, what are my own (sub)conscious, empire-building motivations for the work I do?

These are the questions I left the Forum asking myself (and others). They may sound like the scathing skepticism of a cynic (and maybe they are in part), but I prefer to think of them as "honesty propositions" - I need to constantly question myself to ensure my integrity and I encourage others to do the same.

But back to global warming and, hell, all social issues for that matter. To cut to the chase, I think the current environmental crisis has far more to do with human beings than the planet. I think the issue we need to grasp is our relationship with ourselves and each other, not our relationship with the Earth. Until we value, respect, and love ourselves and each other so much that we would never do anything, either in the short- or long-term that would hurt anyone, I fear we will never eradicate environmental harm. I suspect that only when we recognise and truly believe that we are completely and utterly connected to every living thing on, of and around this planet, will social, environmental and economic change really happen.

If social innovation were a Hollywood movie, here's how I might describe it: Reversing global warming is fashionable. Fighting poverty is romantic. Combating HIV and AIDS is, dare I say, kind of sexy. Alleviating famine and disease is downright cool. These issues get funding, media, notoriety, even status. But other issues aren't as groovy. Disability isn't sexy (other than my Orange Programme session I'm not sure it got a mention, other than in the context of impairment prevention, as mentioned by Jimmy Carter). Truly challenging the accumulation of individual wealth is not hip (what if, instead of rhetoric about the gap between rich and poor, we began proposing that governments outlaw the accumulation of individual fortunes beyond a certain percentage of the global GDP?). Certainly exploring notions of self-love, self-acceptance and the love and acceptance of others' experience is not, how you say, de rigeur.

Why not? In the pursuit of a short script, I'll summarise a complex storyline: the fashionable/sexy/cool issues are external, out there, separate from ourselves. The others require a more intimate examination of self. The former is far safer, emotionally and existentially, than the latter.

My work on Constructive Experiential Diversity challenges notions of empathy and understanding of others, replacing it with the exploration and awareness of self. Also required is the complete acceptance of others in an environment where everyone has not only self knowledge, but the knowledge that harmful thoughts, words and especially actions harm other life as well as our own, because of our connection.

This is the simple yet intriguingly complex plot facing humanity at the moment, by my reckoning.

Yet this screenplay (ok, enough of the metaphor) is the source of my angst. Up against the glamour of global warming, the romance of the rich divorcing the poor, the outrage of AIDS, famine, terrorism and disease, not to mention the woes of water supply, my humble thesis seems trivial, perhaps even as pathetic as I suspect some of my more lofty colleagues considered me (as a disabled person) in the last three days.

Perhaps I'm getting above my station - I'm no former vice-President. Perhaps these are the ravings of a lunatic. Or perhaps I'm as right as Al Gore was when officials laughed at his early writings on the environment. If so, how do I promote my treacherous, unchartered terrain next to the secure, established landscape of the mainstream?

The only way I know how - the same way I always have.
"When we are no longer able to change a situation... we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Victor Frankl
Man's Search for Meaning

27 March 2008

Changing the past

I've always thought it's possible to change the past. This morning I've had evidence of that.

I used my experience of last night to introduce a workshop on Experiential Diversity - it set the scene perfectly. Then I had a very constructive conversation with Liz Nelson, Development Manager of the Skoll Center at Oxford, about access at this and future World Forums. In the space of two hours, last night seems more like an experience of exploration and opportunity than of disrespect and disempowerment. Using the past constructively myself as an example of the need for change and the prompt and positive response of Forum management have effectively changed my experience of last night.

I think it is useful to remember this phenomenon - we can't change the events of the past, but we can change our experience of it and its impact on the future, by acting constructively in the present and future. We also create a better past by intentionally constructing the present and future.

Thanks to Liz, vivian and others for their supportive responses.

Here's an innovative idea...NOT

You bring around 800 of the world's leading social entrepreneurs together to celebrate five years of excellence in social innovation. You call it the 2008 Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship. You hold it at the prestigious SaƮd Business School at Oxford University.

You hold the opening plenary at the Sheldonian Theatre on a cold, wet, spring day in March. You forget to open the only wheelchair accessible entrance (at the back). You spend ten minutes trying to work out how to open it, to let the guy in the wheelchair and his PA from New Zealand in. You don't care that they get soaked waiting.

You spend the next two hours celebrating social entrepreneurship around the world. You talk about respect, dignity, empowerment, culture, context and social change. Then, you hold the opening reception at Trinity College in a tent - there are five steps to negotiate in the rain, a long path and then a trek over grass.

The guy in the wheelchair and his PA from New Zealand give up and go home, cold, wet and disillusioned. You wonder why (or maybe you don't notice).


This has been my experience of the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship this evening. I feel disrespected, undignified, disempowered. My culture has been robbed, I have been denied context and the social change I have been working for in the last 20 years seems completely invisible.

This is a dark moment for me. Obviously "social entrepreneur" is not synonymous with "social graces".

In the Forum documentation, "discussion, debate and critical questioning" is welcomed. The question is asked: "What are the cultural and contextual barriers that social entrepreneurs need to overcome to create sustainable change?"

If I am the first social entrepreneur who uses a wheelchair to attend the Forum, then I think discussion, debate and critical questioning is needed. If social entrepreneurs are asking about the cultural and contextual barriers they need to overcome to create sustainable change, then I suggest they need to look a little closer to home. They need to examine the cultural and contextual barriers they are creating for their own.

I feel betrayed, angry and disillusioned. In 2008, I think I have a right to be.

Philip Patston
Mobile/text +64 21 76 48 37

25 March 2008

On the road: a photo essay...

I've not much to say and we're about to check out the local gay pubs of Oxford - three within walking distance (who'd have thought?). So here are a few photos of our trip from Newcastle:
Me, cold again, on one of the nine bridges that cross the river Tyne in Newcastle.

Claire, asleep at the wheel, somewhere on the M4.


My mate Tim, the SatNav (GPS) - a wonderful relationship, short but sweet.

Approaching heaven (Oxford, the land of gay pubs).

22 March 2008

Thinking on the hop

So much for regular blogging - my three days of working and hanging out with the folk at arcadea was so intense that writing about it was really out of the question. Even now it's hard to know how to do the experience justice without giving myself an overuse injury. I'll start with a really brief synopsis and then add the contents of an email I've just sent to Vici, arcadea's director.

On Tuesday I spent the morning with Vici in what we tried to make a structured mentoring meeting. It ended up as the beginning of a three day tangented, organic and, at times (testament to an instant and strong mutual rapport) hilarious, discussion on cultural equality, the state of disability arts in the UK and our shared passion to inject renewed vitality into individuals and a movement experiencing changes in arts funding policies, apathy, identity confusion and what I might term loosely social fracture (difficulty in meeting together, organising, agreeing on focus etc). These discussions threaded through into a meeting with arcadea's board (only three of whom were able to attend) on Tuesday evening, a full day seminar with artists on Wednesday, and a seminar with council and arts facilities staff on Thursday morning followed by a concluding dynamic brainstorm about the future on Thursday morning. The energy created by about a dozen people who came to all or most events was palpable, of which I was honoured to be a part. I left inspired by the generation of ideas and vision that sprung from my visit.

If I were to summarise my input by way of justifying my presence, it was:
  • Presenting my story as inspiiration and testament to creating internal and external change in unison.
  • Introducing the idea of functional diversity as a reframing tool for the experience of disability. This generated intense discussion about language and identity, including the nature of the word 'function', which I agreed has limits due to clinical connotation, as well as a pragmatic and width of meaning. This debate has already inspired an evolution in my thinking described below.
  • Reframing 'disability arts' as part of the realm of creative and social entrepreneurship, attributing barriers and resistant attitudes to the innovative aspect of the work and landscape, rather than the content of the issue. I was also able offer social entrepreneurship theory - standing still, resiliency cycles and the call to engage repetitively in complex rather than simple pursuits - to make sense of the challenges the group was facing as individuals and as a movement.
  • Observing the connection between individual, internal reality and collective, external reality and using deliberate creation of the former to influence change in the latter.
  • Consciously combating fatigue and weariness by observing and changing negative and patterned beliefs into useful, constructive ones.
  • Capitalising on relationship building, persuasion and constructive thinking to build future direction, balancing without devaluing activism, cynicism and victim-based approaches.
Thursday's final brainstorm was testimony to the success of the three day Inspiring Internationalists event. I witnessed individual changes Vici and her three executive colleagues that bouy me in my outlook for the future for arcadea and the movement in the North East region.

The rest is taken from the email sent to Vici this morning, focusing on my thinking on functional diversity and the future:

I had a very relaxing day yesterday, barely got out of bed, and woke this morning at 5:30 with "the answer" to the functional diversity dilemma - a better term I think is EXPERIENTIAL DIVERSITY, where the enquiry is into the VALUE of UNIQUE EXPERIENCE (physical, social, emotional etc) vs COMMON EXPERIENCE - but also the EXPRESSION of Unique Experience vs Common Experience. This allows for disablement and therefore the "disabled" identity to be simply one facet of Unique Experience and Expression. I think the idea of experience also lends itself well to the idea of internal and external experience - the difference between how I experience myself and how others experience me - and using expression as the bridge.

All this makes the WISE SPECIES™ model (which just didn't have time to emerge in the 3 days) more coherent. I'm really quite excited about this conceptual development because it speaks so perfectly to my wider interest in social change. It allows a language and enquiry into the Experiential/Expressive Diversity of all social groups, creating an equal space to explore a constructive/ creative perspective on experience and craft it into useful expression, without overlooking marginalisation and discrimination, powerlessness and oppression. By definition it must also include privilege, power and even criminal deviation and anti-social roles.

So, going back to the disability arts aspect and our discussion about the future on Thursday night, it seems to me this could form the basis of some more focused professional development work I could offer to artists with unique experience (informed by impairment and disability). It would be great to work with a group of artists wanting to explore their unique experience in the context of their creative/expressive work, over a longer period, perhaps a week or more, and maybe have it culminate in a public showing.

This article came through on an IFACCA newsletter. Maybe there is a chance to strike while the iron is hot and offer dialogue for new ACE CEO in terms of his "mission to see “excellent” arts and culture made accessible to all" - I note he also mentions Newcastle/Gateshead as doing things differently - so he'll be expecting a different take from you!?!?
New arts chief on a mission to change people’s lives for better - nebusiness.co.uk

17 March 2008

Jet lag and the Japanese leg

Newcastle, 7:00pm Sunday
It's funny how the brain condenses memory. About 36 hours ago (it's hard to be sure after traveling through 12 time zones) we were in Osaka, Japan for 18 hours, marveling at the culture, the people and the orderly way airports and hotels work. Now it seems just a blip in an ever growing landscape of travel stories.
To add perspective, we were only in the Hotel Nikko, about 5 minutes walk from Kansai Airport, so we could hardly say we were immersed in Japanese culture. But compared to its western counterparts, the experience was one of if not the best I've had in my travel history. We were escorted from airport to hotel and back again by airport and hotel staff - and such was the respect and dignity afforded us, we wanted to cancel the rest of the trip and stay. Well, nearly. The only drawback was that only single rooms were accessible and, at ¥25,000, we only wanted one. But wait, there's more! Even though they assume disabled people have no friends, partners, etc, when they found one who did, they went the extra mile - check out these funky bath adaptations:

Air NZ's new premium economy class seems to be code for: "the place you pay a bit more to sit and watch people in business class, wishing you had enough to pay for it." That said, it didn't take us long to get used to being watched. The new business layout takes a bit more getting used to - particularly sitting across the aisle from ones traveling companion but having the reclined feet of the stranger sitting behind you at your fingertips - but again, once that became five minutes old, we were free to sit back and enjoy the luxury we paid for.
And finally, before I pass out at 8:45pm after one glass of wine and a car ride from Manchester (our one night stopover opposite the United football grounds), we are now in Newcastle, our first official stop. For me, work starts Tuesday. More then.
Claire in Manchester hotel lobby

13 March 2008

The road to everywhere

It's now 10 hours until I leave for 5 weeks' work in the UK and Hawaii. For the next 35 nights my friend Claire and I will be sleeping on planes, in hotels and on friends' lounge suites on a whirlwind tour of creativity, inspiration and social innovation. Check out my new website, my itinerary below and come back regularly for updates on the trip...

16-24 March | Newcastle, UK
I take up a position as one of five international arts practitioners funded by Arts Council England, North East to visit the region between November 2007 and March 2008. The Inspiring Internationalists programme is “seeking to develop seminars and events that will bring international creative practitioners to our region for dialogue, debate and inspiration”. The Arts Council has chosen “high profile practitioners, thinkers and policy-makers operating internationally to contribute to this programme.” I'll be working with Disability Arts organisation arcadea, who will host me during my one week engagement.

Activities include:
❏ 2 hour meeting with the Board of arcadea
❏ 3 hour meeting with arcadea's Director
❏ 2 x 3hr workshops with Disabled artists
❏ 3 hour seminar with the wider arts community
❏ 20 minute performance to launch the Mimosa Lecture 2008.
❏ TBC 1-2 days one to one mentoring with arcadea's director

24-31 March | Oxford, UK
I'll be attending and presenting in the “Orange Programme” at the Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship – an international event attracting nearly 700 social entrepreneurs, thought leaders, policy makers, corporate representatives, financiers, philanthropists and students from more than forty countries. For three days, we will attend a series of plenaries, panel discussions, workshops and academic presentations designed for learning, problem solving and community building.

31 March-4 April | Manchester, UK
I'll be the keynote speaker at Fayre Exchange Artist Development and Networking Event 2. Their publicity says, “Fayre Exchange is committed to the individual professional development of disabled artists at any stage of their career. We recognise how ‘effective networking’ can play a key part during events and will provide a platform for individuals to share information around individual experiences, training, funding and professional development opportunities. It will encourage open dialogue, paying particular attention to professional development needs. Solution focused and action orientated, our aim is for everyone to go away with something that will contribute to their own individual professional development.”

5-8 April | Devon, UK
In-conversation with Philip Patston, part of the Entrepreneur ‘in-conversations’ – This is part of a programme of events bringing together inspirational entrepreneurs in dialogue with an invited audience, putting a spotlight on cultural entrepreneurialism and inspiring emerging entrepreneurs. The event is hosted by the Cultural Leadership Programme work-based learning networks.

12 April | Honolulu, Hawai’i
And last but not least I'll be making two presentations at the Pacific Rim Conference on Disabilities at Hawai’i University, Honolulu. With its beginnings dating back to 1985, the Pacific Rim Conference has evolved into one of the top rated international educational offerings for and from persons with disabilities, family members, researchers, service providers, policymakers, community leaders, advocates, and nationally recognized professionals in the various disciplines in the diverse field of disabilities.
© 2008 Philip Patston & Diversity New Zealand Ltd (unless quoted or otherwise attributed). All rights reserved.